brittney's Profile

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Username: brittney
Name: Brittney Carter
Email: angelbabs123124 at yahoo dot com
(replace at with @ and dot with .)
Hometown: Union Park, FL
Country: United States
Date Joined: June 8, 2009 11:35 am EST
Birthday: December 15, 1996
Age: 27
About Me: Friends are friends till the end
Through break-ups and make-ups
And good times and bad
Friends are people who will undersatnd you
People who will be by your side till the end
Friends are your shoulder to cry on
Your path to happiness
The little something that puts a smile on your face when your sad
Even if your mad at them and u never want to see them again you'll think back to the good times you had and realize that you can't live with out them
There more than just friends their a place in your heart that will always be there
Friends are the people who like you for who you are and not the person they want you to be
Friends are the people who will never give up on you
Friends are the hand that reaches out to you when you can't get through it on your own
~By Brittney Lee Carter~