EyeDoctorinT's Profile

EyeDoctorinT's Profile Photo

Username: EyeDoctorinT
Name: Eye
Email: lashawnhadermann182 at gmail dot com
(replace at with @ and dot with .)
Hometown: Torrance, CA
Country: United States
Date Joined: July 11, 2015 7:54 am EST
Age: 73
About Me: Visit this site http://www.paulhirano.com/optometrist-in-redondo-beach.html for more information on Optometrist Redondo Beach. An Optometrist Redondo Beach provides us with vision care. They diagnose eye problems like nearsightedness, astigmatism, and farsightedness. They test the depth, color and perception of the eyes and evaluate the capability to focus and synchronize the eyes. They have years of experience and training, so you can be assured that they have the ability to cure your eye problems.