bandsman's Profile

Username: bandsman
Email: fernandozaplana at telefonica dot net
(replace at with @ and dot with .)
Country: Spain
Date Joined: August 14, 2009 10:29 am EST
Birthday: May 25, 1962
Age: 61
About Me: Bandsman is the artist name of Fernando Zaplana, an eclectic songwriter, guitarist and composer with creative musical ideas and pop arrangements to service both TV & Films.

Born in Cartagena, Spain, Fernando is primarily a songwriter, with well over 100 composed songs in several styles including jazz, classic, bossa-nova, lounge, symphonic, disco, pop, latin, electronic, rock, blues and much more. Although his main influence is Jazz, his music exudes all his genetic Mediterranean influences.

As Bandsman, Fernando has performed at a great many Jazz gigs in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Ibiza, highlighting with his participation in the “2000 Injuve International Jazz Festival” in Ibiza, with No Tan Big Band.

Several of his songs have more recently been selected for licensing contracts by vision producers in the USA, Canada and Australia for TV & Film purposes.

His song “Botafoch” was winner awarded by the August 2007 “Song of the Year” International Songwriting Contest in Houston, TX, USA, in the instrumental/jazz/world category and reached the semi-finalist status in the 2006 “International Songwriting Competition” in Nashville USA, in the instrumental category. It also reached the semi-finalist status in the 2008 UK International Songwriting Contest in the instrumental category.

His song “Fangalah” was winner awarded by the October 2007 “Song of the Year” International Songwriting Contest in Houston, TX, USA, in the instrumental/jazz/world category. It also reached the semi-finalist status in the 2008 UK International Songwriting Contest in the instrumental category.

His song “Soul Streets” reached the finalist status in the December 2007 “Song of the Year” International Songwriting Contest in Houston, TX, USA, in the instrumental/jazz/world category. It also reached the semi-finalist status in the 2008 UK International Songwriting Contest in the instrumental category.

His songs “Once upon a time”, “Mimosa” and “Back to Bach” reached the semi-finalist status in the 2008 UK International Songwriting Contest.


“Autumn´s Prelude CD contains true chill-jazz jewels with bossa influences” (Future Music Magazine. February 2008 spanish issue.)

“As with any great composer and the demands placed on them, Fernando has been able to adapt freely to just about any style or genre. Much of his work is indeed merely classified as music for films.
His current Bandsman CD "AUTUMN'S PRELUDE" has a great many mood and emotions that emulate from each track. It is certainly music that will be heard and enjoyed by all age group. And music worthy of gracing the soundtrack credits in any motion picture”. (An´R Artist, Repertoire and International Licensing Magazine. Issue 28. December 2007. Australian Music Marketing Abroad.)