segjos's Profile

segjos's Profile Photo

Username: segjos
Name: Segjos
Email: segjos at gmail dot com
(replace at with @ and dot with .)
Hometown: Silver Spring, MD
Country: United States
Date Joined: March 1, 2013 5:07 am EST
Age: 35
About Me: SEGJOS is a Nigerian-born American based gospel artist. He began singing at the age of 4. He also joined the church choir at a tender age and he wrote his first song (I saw JESUS) at age 12.
Segjos began performing during the late 1990s and debuted in the mid-2000s with the group BSY. In 2008, Segjos went solo with two recorded singles “O se” & “Let it rain.”
He has performed far and wide to large audiences majorly in churches. Since he relocated to the United States, he has been ministering in songs which have blessed lives. His vision is to use his musical talent to promote the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Facebook: @Segjosmusic
Twitter: @Segjos
Instagram: @Segjos
YouTube Channel: segjos