RajjIsmokeyP's Profile

RajjIsmokeyP's Profile Photo

Username: RajjIsmokeyP
Email: rajjghoshd2s at gmail dot com
(replace at with @ and dot with .)
Country: India
Date Joined: February 19, 2015 10:22 am EST
About Me: Born and raised in Dimapur this dude with a striking moniker dreams to make it big someday and change the world through his music. He says ‘If emotions have any sound, it will be called music’.
He feels that being a musician requires a lot of hard work which people who are not into music fail to understand. He therefore, aims to open their eyes through his songs which express his emotions and personal experiences.
Rajj says musicians are a different breed altogether – a bit crazy and different from other people but that is because for a musician, music is everything – something to live and die for and that without music we are nothing.