allenshand's Profile

allenshand's Profile Photo

Username: allenshand
Email: allenshand dot promotions at gmail dot com
(replace at with @ and dot with .)
Country: Greece
Date Joined: August 31, 2010 11:21 pm EST
Age: 44
About Me: It all started when Stan (vocals) (after Avalanche disbanded(2008), decided toput together another band,that would be named with the
stupidest and most ridiculous name possible, so they'd perform the songs he'd written and create more music. His quest for musical
companions led him to Soty, a guitarist with mad skills and musicianship, with a face more emotionless than michael jackson injected with
1000 botox shots. Through a friend, they found Gustav, a fantastic technical drummer, and quite possibly, the hairiest being in existence.
Last but not least, Panos came in to complete the quartet. He might not talk much (at all actually), but he prefers
to express himself through the extreme awesomeness that comes out of his 5-string bass. The band is currently rehearsing and performing live
and has plans for recording a kick-ass album, as well as achieving their dreams of international stardom and obtaining a mountain of kinder buenos.

Our musical influences are mostly from the progressive rock scene such as (THE MARS VOLTA,RUSH.BUCKETHEAD.,PROTEST THE HERO,CIRCA CURVIVE,RUSH.etc but also from the Alternative scene (Tory Amos,U2......)

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Artist Promotions by Wild Rose Angel Productions
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